
EVENT: Cluster4Kidz Presents Capacity Building Corporate Training 2019

Here's a chance for you to invest in yourself. Cluster4Kidz is offering you a chance to know where you fit by attending this capacity development Corporate Training. 

Don't miss out on learning how to evolve around work place ethics, values, vision and mission statement. Come and learn how to stay relevant to your corporate world.

The chief facilitator of this event is Dr. Chidi Idi Eke of the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Consulting Director of Research & Development, Sash Business Management Limited

This capacity building training will be taking place at Cluster4Kidz Limited, Number 4 Dangana Street, Off Rayfield Road, Rayfield, in the Tin City of Jos, Plateau state on the 1st of June 2019 from 09:00am to 04:00pm.

Companies and individuals are free to attend. The cost of participating is #3000.

For more information kindly contact 07062542910


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